"Ovi" - rocking-sheep inspired by animals made from chestnuts ... and also little bit by admiration of bedlington terriers...
photo: Peter Fabo |

"123" - bookcase / shelf is based on the contours
of hopscotch |

game handkerchiefs - ludo, football, mill, gomoku ...
better play first,
blowing after... |
"Eight at five" - a coffee cup,
whose inner wall has the shape of a cake mould, serves not only for drinking coffee but also as a form of pudding
or for baking small cakes
foto: Peter Fabo |
pink "Sweet sixteen"
limited edition made of pink porcelain for even sweater
"Sweet sixteen" - porcelain baking form for fancy bread with 16 various segments
The consumer can cut
a segment at his pleasure
- both in size and in look
chandelier "Cheers!"
instead of occupying
a showcase are the goblets part of the chandelier
the "Wooduo" double chair spares of space
and is always prepared
for a visit
photo: Peter Fabo
"Solitaire" - personal coffee cup designed for the Nespresso Design Contest
the handle is to the eye
a part of the saucer
baby car shaped like
a racing car T52
the chair is inspired with
the new architectural design
of National library in Prague
baby lamp "Night sky"
the only construction-joint
is sewn
coral necklace
the individual segments are
the stylization of sea-corals
porcelain squeezer "Citron"
minimal but ingenious
cutlery are designed with regard to ergonomics
handels are extraordinarily long for comfortable grip
representation object for Czech Republic - duck with red cabbage made of porcelain
with recipe on the underside
the plate can be hung
on the wall
design of the table-lamp "Trifid" was inspired with organic shapes of plants
photo: Peter Fabo